School Safety and Security
The Sikeston R-6 district utilizes access control technology and visitor control procedures to aide in the care of our students and staff members. Each school conducts safety drills to practice procedures and for scenarios including fires, earthquakes, severe weather, and lockdowns. Safety procedures are also practiced on district buses. The results of these drills are reported and reviewed in order to continually evaluate crisis plans and procedures.
The district utilizes an emergency management system which is on all employees mobile devices and anyone can initiate an incident and DPS is instantly notified, reducing response time.
Emergency Preparedness
The Sikeston R-6 district is committed to taking proactive measures to protect the safety of all our students and staff members. We have made preparations to deal effectively with emergency situations that could occur in or around the school while classes are in session. While we hope that a natural disaster or other serious incident never occurs, our goal is to be as prepared as possible for any potential emergency. Our priority at all times is to protect all students and staff from harm.
Sikeston R-6 administrators consult with local, state, and federal health, safety and emergency personnel to develop and maintain plans for coping with a variety of emergency response situations. If you have any questions about your school's safety and support responses, please contact your school’s principal or facility manager.
Crisis Communications
In the event of a crisis at a school, Sikeston R-6 district personnel will communicate alerts to its employees as well as to the students and their guardians. In addition, informational udpates on the crisis response and recovery efforts will be communicated by a designated district employee. This employee will serve as the Public Information Officer for the operational period of that crisis event.
Alerts and updates may be communicated via traditional media such as tv and radio, through mass notification systems such as phone calling system or group text message, or by common social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter.
Please wait for instructions from district administration, the district’s Public Information Officer, and law enforcement officials before arriving at the school in crisis. Waiting before arriving at the site of the crisis event will aid district employees and first responders to account and care for our students.
In the wake of a crisis at school, students may be reunified with their guardians in a two-gate reunification system. There will be a designated point to report to pick up your child and a separate location to be reunited with your child. These locations will be communicated to students’ guardians by district employees or law enforcement officials.
Reunification Process
Reunification is the process of controlled release of students. A reunification may be required if certain emergency events occur at a school, such as threats to safety in the form of weapon threats, bomb threats, or building evacuations due to extreme weather or earthquake situations. The school district works in collaboration with the Sikeston Department of Public Safety and other community partners in the event of reunification.
Student and Parent Reunification is a protocol that makes the process of student release more predictable and less chaotic for all involved. Because a controlled release is not a typical end of school day event, a reunification may occur at a different location than the school a student attends. This is called an OFF-SITE reunification. The location of an off-site reunification will be announced to parents once students have arrived and the reunification center has been established. The district does not pre-announce the off-site reunification locations because it is critical that district personnel can set up the location and that students have arrived before the reunification process begins. It is important to understand that the reunification location will be in a place where students are safe and being taken care of.
National and State Campaigns and Observances
Severe Weather Awareness Week on first full week of March. (Statewide Tornado Drill on the first Tuesday.)
National Stop the Bleed Day on March 31
National EAS Test on August 7
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
National See Something, Say Something Day on September 25
National Preparedness Day on September 30
October is Fire Safety Month. First full week of October is National Fire Prevention Week.
National Bullying Prevention and Awareness Month is October
National School Bus Safety Week, held during the third full week of October
National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) is observed in October
The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut is observed the 3rd Thursday in October.
Winter Weather Awareness Week is the 3rd week of November
Websites and Resources
Severe weather watches and warnings
Missouri Center for Education Safety
Sikeston Department of Public Safety
Planning for access and functional needs
Red Cross “Safe and Well” check in site
Missouri’s Show Me Hope counseling and recovery resources
Missouri Courage2Report (formerly the School Violence Hotline)
The Hotline rovides resources for parents, educators and law enforcement. It also provides three ways to report bullying. Call 866-748-7047
Online reporting form can be found here.
Homeland Security Threat Level Alert
NTAS Alerts Imminent Threat Alert Warns of a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the United States. Elevated Threat Alert Warns of a credible terrorist threat against the United States. After reviewing the available information, the Secretary of Homeland Security will decide, in coordination with other Federal entities, whether an NTAS Alert should be issued.
Missouri State Highway Patrol
The Missouri State Highway Patrol has a reporting app you can download to your mobile device. Search your app store for “Missouri State Highway Patrol.” The mobile app provides quick access to the Patrol’s emergency line using that aptly named button or use the Locations button to find addresses, phone numbers, emails, and web pages for all nine troop headquarters. There are multiple ways to contact the MSHP, so we can assist you. You can also get directions to a troop headquarters through the Locations option. This app is available to the public for both Android and Apple products. When downloading the MSHP app, select “public access.” No password is required.
The mobile app also provides instant access to send and receive information through the following applications:
* Alerts -- Find out what’s happening! Check for Amber alerts or major road closures.
* See Something -- This enables you to record details about criminal behavior or safety concerns. It will help you remember everything you need to tell us when you call.
* Photo Tip -- Send us a picture of any crime you witness and include incident information.
*Crime Tips -- Provides a way for you to submit crime tips to us.
* News Feed -- Our news releases are a click away through this portal.
* Thank A Trooper -- Troopers across the state serve and protect with integrity and compassion. If you’d like to let us know about your experience with a trooper, use this portal.
* Driver Examination -- This section contains a digital copy of the Missouri Driver Guide, Motorcycle Operator Manual, and the Commercial Driver License Manual.
Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC)
“See something. Say something.”
Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) provides a public safety partnership consisting of local, state and federal agencies, as well as the public sector and private entities that will collect, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence to the agencies tasked with Homeland Security responsibilities in a timely, effective, and secure manner. MIAC is the mechanism to collect incident reports of suspicious activities to be evaluated and analyzed in an effort to identify potential trends or patterns of terrorist or criminal operations within the state of Missouri. MIAC will also function as a vehicle for two-way communication between federal, state and local law enforcement community within our region.
Their online reporting form can be found here.
For questions or more information, please contact Andy Caton, District Safety Coordinator