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School Safety Legislation and the Safety Coordinator


    The 6th Cycle of the Missouri School Improvement Program requires the following :

L10 - The school system actively addresses school safety and security in all facilities.

A. The school system, in consultation with public safety officials and stakeholders, develops, implements, and reviews annually a comprehensive school emergency

operations plan for the school system and each school or site as applicable.

1. The plan broadly addresses safety, crises, and emergency operations.

2. The plan addresses prevention, preparation, operations, and follow-up.

3. The plan includes consideration of supporting mental health needs of all involved in any crisis.

B. Local board policy requires the school system to employ a designated safety coordinator who demonstrates knowledge of all federal, state, and local school

violence and prevention programs and resources that are available to students, teachers, and district staff.

C. The school system annually conducts a physical security site assessment at each facility, utilizing nationally accepted methodology.

D. The school system ensures emergency preparedness drills are performed in compliance with state statute and local ordinance.

E. The school system implements a cyber/privacy security plan, utilizing nationally accepted standards.

F. The school system ensures access to Missouri’s school violence anonymous reporting tip line.

G. All school system staff participate in relevant school safety and violence prevention training.


Counties in proximity to the New Madrid fault lines have a requirement for two earthquake drills a year (160.453 RSMo).  Ordinarily, schools would also conduct at least two fire and tornado drills conducted each year, and more if required by local regulations. 

Board policy states “A sufficient number of drills will be conducted in each building to give instruction and practice in proper actions by staff and students.” 

The Division of Fire Safety at the State Fire Marshal’s office (800-877-5688) confirms that there are no state requirements for fire drills in schools. 


     In a reauthorization of the Improving America's Schools Act in 1994, Title IV funding was expanded to include alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention.  To learn more about Title IV, Part A (Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities), visit the U. S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools website.


     According to Missouri safe schools legislation, each district must develop a written discipline policy which addresses the use of and procedures for the administration of corporal punishment, defines "acts of school violence" or "violent behavior", and includes a provision regarding weapons.  The act details requirements for student enrollment in a district, such as providing proof of residency and previous school records. This legislation also makes provisions for reporting and information sharing among and between school district administrators and law enforcement agencies.


     Visit this site to learn more about how the No Child Left Behind Act helps to make schools safer.