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     All employees should take measures to safeguard their health and safety while at work.  An employee should bring to their administrator's attention any conditions in the workplace which make that employee feel unsafe.  An employee should immediately report any accident in which he or she is involved in while at work.  Please contact your administrator or the district's Human Resources office regarding accident reporting procedures.


District Employee

Helpful Hints for a Safer Workplace




Sikeston R-6 School District




  • Have a written, all-hazards emergency operations plan which is aligned with and supports the district's overall emergency operations plan.  Be sure your plans consider those hazards most likely to affect your particular facility.  Include after-hours events, summer school, and extra-curricular uses of your facilities in your plans.

  • Have regular meetings with the local law enforcement officials, including the Juvenile and School Resource Officers

  • Conduct ongoing, thorough safety checks of the buildings and grounds

  • Post emergency procedures and evacuation maps in highly visible areas

  • Maintain communications equipment, keeping batteries fully charged and replacing weak batteries as needed.

  • Inventory and maintain emergency supply kits, including emergency supplies of food, water, and other necessities

  • Make sure multiple members of your staff know how to shut off utilities and heating and air conditioning systems

  • Maintain multiple copies of forms which may be used in a crisis, such as message forms and student release forms

  • Conduct drills and exercises for various types of simulated disasters and emergencies at different times of the day to allow students and staff to practice the procedures.  Change the conditions of your drills, such as creating scenarios for fire drills in which normal evacuation routes are blocked. Conduct after-action reviews immediately after each drill, providing feedback to students and staff

  • Thoroughly evaluate student discipline records, employee evaluations, and facility safety reviews to identify, and possibly prevent, potential hazards and crisis situations.

  • Have regular meetings with employees regarding safety conditions of the working environment.

  • Conduct thorough inventories and maintain backups of vital records for recovery purposes

  • Work closely with public works, utilities services, facilities management and custodial personnel to keep all systems in good working order.  Have any and all repairs completed in a safe and timely manner

  • Consider keeping a personal emergency go-kit in your vehicle

  • Establish an after-hours phone tree for contacting staff members in an emergency

  • Have emergency management, EMS, fire, and law enforcement officials evaluate your emergency operations plans and procedures.  Seek their assistance and participation in your drills and exercises

  • Maintain your NOAA weather radio in good working condition.  Keep batteries for back up in case of power outages

  • Ensure your own contact and medical information on file is current

  • Make sure Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are current for those items in use or in storage at your facility.

  • Establish a "buddy system" among employees to allow staff members who are assigned to functional team roles to assume their duties

  • Include students and staff with special needs in your emergency operations plan

  • Regularly test fire alarms/ smoke detectors

  • Regularly test security alarms

  • Educate substitute teachers about your building's emergency operations plans and evacuation routes

  • Maintain current student and staff contact information, including medical information, residency, emergency contact, and student release information

  • Enforce the visitor's policy in your buildings

  • Regularly communicate emergency procedures to parents/ legal guardians.  Seek the assistance of the media in disseminating information, including evacuation routes and reunification sites.



Sikeston R-6 School District






  • Maintain current student contact information. Ensure the office has the current information.
  • Help enforce the visitor's policy in your building
  • Ensure your contact and medical information on file in the office is current
  • Inform parents/ legal guardians of emergency procedures
  • Practice emergency procedures with students.  Provide feedback to students about their performance immediately after each drill
  • Get medical information regarding your students from the school nurse, such as allergies
  • Establish and practice a "buddy system" in your classroom for drills and emergencies
  • Ensure that special needs students have one or more buddies assigned to assist them in a drill or an actual emergency
  • Explain to students what to do in an emergency in the event you become injured or otherwise incapacitated
  • Have emergency procedures and evacuation maps posted in highly visible places
  • Ensure your substitute teacher knows the emergency procedures for your classroom & school
  • Consider keeping a personal emergency go-kit in your vehicle
  • Meet regularly with your administrator regarding safety of working conditions
  • Report needed repairs in a timely manner
  • Know where emergency supplies are kept.  Know how to use any tools and equipment.
  • Learn how to shut off utilities at your school
  • Seek training such as first aid classes
  • Understand your role in the emergency operations plan



Sikeston R-6 School District

Classified Staff




  • Ensure your contact and medical information on file in the office is current
  • Have emergency procedures and evacuation maps posted in highly visible places
  • Meet regularly with your administrators regarding the safety of working conditions
  • Enforce the visitor's policy in your buildings
  • Practice emergency procedures in drills and exercises.  Participate in after-action reviews with administrators immediately after all drills
  • Report needed repairs in a timely manner
  • Help facilitate a "buddy system" in your workplace, so that everyone is accountable for knowing the whereabouts of everyone else in your office
  • Consider keeping a personal emergency go-kit in your vehicle
  • Maintain current and thorough records.  Keep backups of all vital documents and information.
  • Seek training such as first aid classes
  • Learn how to shut off utilities at your facilties
  • Understand your role in the emergency operations plan


U.S. Dept of Education Multi-Hazard Planning Guide

State of Missouri Emergency Management Agency Multi-Hazard Planning Guide

Tornados & Severe Weather
Severe Winter Weather
Family Plan     

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Get MRSA information at the CDC's website